Why we must teach listening in schools

Why we must teach listening in schools
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John Mac Ghlionn writes in The New York Post: “How about talking to each other? Not talking over each other or past each other, but actually engaging in meaningful dialogue – actually understanding each other. In other words, listening to each other.”

He went on to say:

“We are doing the children of today – and the adults of tomorrow – a drastic disservice by ignoring the importance of listening…like reading and writing, listening is a skill that must be practiced. And while students are taught critical reading and writing skills in classrooms across the country, critical listening skills are mostly nowhere to be found. This must change. Hearing is not the same as listening.”

Avi Kluger, a professor of organizational behavior at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a leading expert on listening, says listening also helps us to feel less lonely:

“Engaging in a conversation where at least one person listens well builds bridges between people, making them feel valued, connected, relaxed, and hopeful.”

New York Post, 4/15/23

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