Toxic chemicals used in food preparation leach into human bodies, study finds

Toxic chemicals used in food preparation leach into human bodies, study finds
Photo: iStock

“We’ve got, say, 60 years of research into the migration of chemicals into food from food processing and packaging equipment. It’s been studied very extensively.”

“And at the same time, there’s increasingly good, powerful studies coming out on Bisphenol A, on phthalates, on PFAS, brominated flame retardants and so forth that are associated with diseases in people.” Jane Muncke, sr. study author and chief scientific officer, Food Packaging Forum on how harmful chemicals find their way into the human body.

She points out that the U.S. only monitors 172 of the 14,000 chemicals that can migrate from the packaging into the food itself and then impact human health.

Melanie Benesh, Vice President of government affairs for the Environmental Working Group, says

“The bigger question is do we really need these chemicals to process our food? When there are chemicals in our bodies that we know have the potential to cause us harm, we should be eliminating every route of exposure that we can.”

️CNN reports that the FDA is scheduled to have a public hearing on September 25th, which Benesh calls unprecedented:

“This is the first time the FDA is talking about standing up a rigorous review program that puts human health first, that puts chemical safety first, and that restores some of the trust consumers have lost in the agency.”

CNN, 8/16/2024

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