Toxic chemicals used in food preparation leach into human bodies, study finds
- Featured, Health & Healing
- September 19, 2024
“We’ve got, say, 60 years of research into the migration of chemicals into food from food processing and packaging equipment. It’s been studied very extensively.”
Exposure to cleaning products in first three months of life increases risk of childhood asthma
- Headlines & Highlights
- February 19, 2020
“The risks of recurrent wheeze and asthma were notably higher in homes with frequent use of certain products, such as liquid or solid air fresheners, plug-in deodorizers, dusting sprays, antimicrobial hand sanitizers and oven cleaners. It may be important for people to consider removing scented spray cleaning products from their cleaning routine. We believe that the smell of a healthy home is no smell at all.”
Bayer’s $2 billion Roundup damages boost pressure to settle
- Headlines & Highlights
- May 14, 2019
“The company has got to come to the table with a viable plan to resolve these cases, or the losses are going to mount. This outcome should make Monsanto realize the seriousness of these claims and how a jury perceives the evidence.”
READ MOREChemicals in Food May Harm Children, Pediatricians’ Group Says
- Headlines & Highlights
- July 27, 2018
“The good news is there are safe and simple steps people can take right now to limit exposures, and they don’t have to break the bank.”
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The texting dead
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The business of happy families: Family Inc.
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It All Started With a 12-Year-Old Cousin
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