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  • Fine Print and Red Tape in Long-Term Care Policies0

    Many people buy long-term care insurance so they won’t burden family members when they are no longer able to care for themselves, but the process of collecting the benefits can be lengthy and overwhelming. “When insurers stop selling or exit the business, many of them hire these third-party administrators to adjudicate claims, and that is

  • Metal Shavings Found in Baby Formula0

    Mom Michele Myler was alarmed when she noticed something very unusual in her son’s baby formula: metal. Myler sent a sample of the formula, called Enfamil A.R., to the manufacturer for testing, and the metal shavings from the formula were identified as aluminum dust. Though the manufacturer recognized the problem, they declined to issue a

  • There’s proof: Sunscreen reduces skin aging0

    We know that using sunscreen regularly protects you from cancer, but a new study has proven that it also has anti-aging properties that help to fight wrinkles. “We now have the scientific evidence to back the long-held assumption about the cosmetic value of sunscreen,” says Dr. Adele Green, lead author of the study. When choosing


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