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  • Social media could be teen suicide prevention tool0

    New research has found that young adults who are feeling suicidal tend to show signs through text messages and social networking sites, demonstrating how important it is for family and friends to pay attention to those signs. Oftentimes teens post how they are feeling or share song lyrics that may hint at suicide. “It leads

  • Most Americans work on vacation, say researchers0

    A new study by Harris Interactive has found that 54% of Americans say their boss expects them to work while on vacation.  This may be due to the fact that many people have a hard time breaking their regular work routine, or the rise in mobile technology that allows us to work virtually anywhere.  

  • The Truth about Your Eggs0

    In order to avoid putting unwanted things into your body during breakfast, it’s important that you pay attention to where your eggs come from and understand how to read egg labels and jargon. Arsenic, which is linked to various forms of cancer, could be in your eggs; it is added into feed to stimulate growth in hens.


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