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  • How We Once Were: Reflections of The Past0

    How old are you when you look in the mirror? A WWII vet named Gardner told photographer Tom Hussey Tom Hussey that he still felt young and that he really couldn’t comprehend how he made it to 80 years old already.

  • Tips On How To Remember Dreams For Better Health0

    Do you ever wake up wishing you could remember what you were dreaming about? You don’t remember 99% of your dreams, but many times they address aspects of your physical and mental well-being. Kelly Sullivan Walden, author of It’s All in Your Dreams, believes that you can actually control your dreams and allow them to

  • Nightmares After the I.C.U.0

    After a stay in the intensive care unit (I.C.U.) because of abdominal infections, Lygia Dunsworth began having hallucinations and even showing symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which still haunt her years later. Research shows that patients who have longer stays in the I.C.U. can experience these kinds of symptoms for up to two years


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