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  • Surgeon general: Smoking to kill 5.6 million kids if we don’t act now0

    The first surgeon general’s report in more than a decade says over 20 million Americans have already died because of smoking, and another 5.6 million children could lose their lives if the rate of tobacco use doesn’t decline. As acting Surgeon General Dr. Boris Lushniak says, “Enough is enough. We need to eliminate the use of cigarettes and create a tobacco-free generation.”

  • Vitamin E found to slow Alzheimer’s progression0

    Are you getting enough vitamin E? While it can be found naturally in foods like broccoli, spinach and sunflower seeds, a new study in the Journal of the American Medical Association has shown that a daily vitamin E supplement may actually slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. This is because vitamin E improves the

  • Custom-Fit Treatments for Prostate Cancer0

    The individualized treatment strategies that have been used for many breast cancer patients have inspired researchers to look for new options to treat prostate cancer tumors in men.  While more aggressive treatment options may be best for some men with high-risk cancer, less aggressive options may work better for others.  Radiation plus hormone therapy is


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