Home and Family Resources
- Home & Family
- December 15, 2010
How is it possible that several different doctors in the emergency room of a major New York City hospital could misdiagnose what was wrong with 12-year-old Rory Staunton? The symptoms and subsequent lab tests should have indicated the presence of a serious streptococcal bacterial infection, but that’s not what he was immediately treated for. As a result, the infection traveled into his bloodstream. Rory went into septic shock and died.
READ MOREAre you concerned that your children are spending too much time using digital devices, like smartphones and tablets? Is it at the expense of quality time interacting with friends and family? You may be interested in the findings of a new UCLA Department of Psychology study about the affects of technology on children’s social skills.
READ MOREIs your teenager sleep deprived during the school year, because classes start too early? The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is now weighing in on the issue of school start times for teens. The AAP believes 8:30 a.m. or later is best for middle and high school students.
READ MOREIt is not easy to say good-bye to a treasured friend–to convey the depth of your feelings or capture the true essence of the person in words spoken to others. But that’s just what Billy Crystal did at the Emmy Awards in a touching tribute to Robin Williams, whose death continues to be felt by millions around the world.
READ MORE“What is lacking in Washington is a sense of urgency. Lawmakers and the administration need to move rapidly to build resilience into our electric grid and defend against an attack that could deliver a devastating blow to the U.S. economy and the American people. Congress should pass and the president should sign into law the Shield Act and CIPA as soon as possible. Literally millions of Americans lives could depend on it.”
READ MOREIt may seem like an unlikely friendship. But there’s no telling that to a 3-year-old boy and his 89-year-old next door neighbor; Maybe that’s what makes it all the more special. It started with the tomatoes that Erling Kindem, a WWII veteran, was growing in his backyard. Apparently little Emmett Rychner also has a fondness for