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  • Lumber Liquidators Linked to Health and Safety Violations

    Lumber Liquidators Linked to Health and Safety Violations0

    Have you ever purchased laminate flooring from Lumber Liquidators? The American company is the largest supplier of flooring in the U.S. A recently aired 60 Minutes investigation is now questioning the safety of the company’s products that are produced in China.

  • Study links common food additives to Crohn’s disease0

    The next time you purchase packaged bread, processed foods, ice cream, candy, cream cheese, salad dressing, mayonnaise or margarine, take a look at the ingredients on the label. These products may contain emulsifiers like polysorbate 80 or carboxymethyl cellulose, which are added not only to extend their shelf life, but to improve the texture.

  • Parallax Story Post0

    Allin adipiscing elit. Nunc nisl nibh, dapibus eu tempor ut, efficitur id nisi. Nam ornare magna sed mi mattis, sit amet molestie neque ultrices. Maecenas euismod pellentesque luctus. Aliquam mollis ornare felis, id faucibus odio accumsan faucibus. Nullam malesuada lectus nec dui dapibus, et porta mi tempor. Sed in ipsum sed augue elementum posuere. Donec nec porttitor


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