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  • In season of giving thanks, signs that gratitude is back0

    Economic hard times and a surge in the amount of academic research being conducted on the benefits of gratitude may be factors in the current boom in the popularity of giving thanks. The University of California Davis is one of many institutions conducting research on the subject, with their project "Expanding the Science and Practice

  • 5 Ways Technology Is Saving Endangered Species0

    Although technology has been blamed for contributing to environmental problems- including pollution, excessive waste, overfishing and more- technology can also do some good as far as saving the environment and endangered species. Check out five of the smartest ways we’ve put technology to work for endangered species. Tree Hugger, 11/22/2011

  • Giving Thanks Helps Your Psychological Outlook0

    Expressing gratitude is good for you.  Just ask University of Miami psychology professor Michael McCullough whose done extensive research on the subject:  “It does make people happier…it’s that incredible feeling.”  Maryann Troiani, a Chicago area psychologist and self-help author, is quoted as saying:  “Gratitude really changes your attitude and your outlook on life.”  That’s why

  • In Hard Times, Americans Still Thankful0

    The people profiled in this article- including people who have faced layoffs, car accidents, and the loss of a loved one- have moved beyond their issues to embrace the holiday spirit. Though life may at times present hardships, how is it that some people are able to rise above them and find gratitude in their

  • Spacing Siblings At Least Two Years Apart Makes Kids Smarter0

    Everyone has their own opinions on how many years apart in age children should be to create the optimal situation for the kids as they grow-up together and as they develop separately.  Up until now, those opinions have just been conjecture, but Kasey Buckles, assistant Professor at Notre Dame, has used scientific reasoning to determine

  • Finding Your Happiness with Chicken Soup for the Soul0

    The new book, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Find Your Happiness, discusses the root of personal happiness and explains how important it is for everyone to find their own happiness-triggers.  These triggers could be hobbies, helping others, or any other activity that brings you to a state of joy. Inside Edition, 11/22/2011


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