Home and Family Resources
- Home & Family
- December 15, 2010
Safeway Inc. has launched its annual Support for People with Disabilities fundraising campaign to benefit Easter Seals, Special Olympics and an array of organizations that help people with disabilities live fuller, more independent lives. This year, Safeway is partnering with singer/songwriter Avril Lavigne and The Avril Lavigne Foundation to bring a new, exclusive video element to the April effort. Customers
READ MORELou Covington, owner of Lou C's Boutique, says, “Cancer is a terrible thing, but it also draws a lot of miracles. It pulls people together. I want this to be the best part of their experience that it can be. I want to make it a good time instead of dreading it. A lot of
READ MOREElizabeth Bernstein looks at how to know when your marriage or romantic relationship is over and what the signs are that a relationship is no longer worth fighting for. Wall Street Journal, 4/3/2012
READ MOREResearchers reported Monday that nearly half of all U.S. preschool-age children don’t get outdoors at least once a day for parent-supervised playtime, causing concern among experts who say early exercise habits could protect children from obesity later in life. Dr. Pooja Tandon, a pediatrician with the Center for Child Health, Behavior and Development at Seattle
READ MOREIn today's workforce, more employees are being asked to take medical tests and to exercise, participate in disease-management programs and quit smoking to qualify for hundreds, even thousands of dollars' worth of health insurance premium or deductible discounts. Proponents say such health plans offer people a financial incentive to make healthier choices and manage chronic
READ MOREHere are some home remedies and healing ingredients, like honey, peppermint oil, and meat tenderizer, that can actually help heal minor ailments. CNN/ Health.com, 4/3/2012