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  • The facts about emotional eating0

    "It's healthy to emotionally eat once in a while—to eat for comfort, to celebrate, or just because," says Jean Fain, a psychotherapist affiliated with Harvard Medical School and the author of The Self-Compassion Diet. "Sure, you could go for a walk or head to the gym, but sometimes an ice cream sundae is just the

  • Are Pesticides the Greatest Threat to Your Kids’ Health?0

    Are organic foods healthier for you? In this episode of the Dr. Oz Show, Dr. Oz agrees with guest Dr. Alan Green, a well-known pediatrician and author, that a headline-grabbing recent study- stating that organic foods are no healthier than non-organic foods- was misleading. Dr. Green explains that organic foods are grown without hormones, anitbiotics

  • Was Steve Jobs a Role Model for Leaders?0

    Should Steve Jobs become your leadership inspiration? In terms of the qualities of a good leader, there is interpersonal behavior- how a leader influences others within an organization, and then there is the business prowess required to implement the right strategy and structure to achieve a positive outcome- in other words, what a leader emphasizes. While


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