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- Home & Family
- December 15, 2010
Why do some some people explode at little annoying things and others don't, like when dealing with customer service people or someone cutting in line at the grocery store? A yet-to-be-published Duke University study explains some of the reasons behind this behavior. Experts advise people to recognize the behavior, identify "triggers" and work on changing their response.
READ MOREEllen DeGeneres is taking her animal advocacy to the virtual world – with a new Facebook game that helps real animals. Called Joy Kingdom and created by Sojo Studios, the game allows players to help Amani, King of the Animal Spirits, restore their world after shadows have stolen away all of the Joy. According to
READ MORESue Shellenbarger explores the latest research and techniques in relieving workplace stress, such as yoga, breathing exercises and taking a walk during the workday. The Wall Street Journal, 10/10/2012
READ MOREDoctors say that unless it's causing bothersome symptoms, earwax should be left alone… yet 12 million Americans visit medical professionals annually for earwax removal, and millions more are having it done at spas and ear-candling parlors. The Wall Street Journal, 10/16/2012
READ MORE100,000 people are hurt every year as the popularity of this family pastime soars. ABC World News, 10/14/2012
READ MOREResearchers have found that each person has a unique breath 'fingerprint' that physicians could use to diagnose a growing number of health problems. Using this knowledge, doctors have already started developing painless, inexpensive tests to diagnose lung cancer, diabetes, and more. The Wall Street Journal, 10/8/2012