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- Home & Family
- December 15, 2010
“9/11 is still killing. Sadly this fragile community of heroes & survivors is shrinking by the day.” John Feal, advocate for World Trade Center (WTC) responders.
READ MORE“I was shocked. We don’t know a lot about the effect of glyphosate on children. And essentially we’re just throwing it at them.”
READ MORE“A Kaiser Health News & USA Today investigation found that surgery centers operate under such an uneven mix of rules across U.S. states that fatalities & serious injuries can result in no warning to gov’t officials, much less to potential patients.”
READ MORE“When parents are too focused on every bite and pressure their children to eat, it usually backfires as toddlers then refuse, similar to potty training.”
READ MORE“The panel held that there was no justification for the EPA’s decision in its 2017 order to maintain a tolerance for chlorpyrifos in the face of scientific evidence that its residue on food causes neurodevelopmental damage to children.”
READ MORE“Even for women who aren’t going to be able to breastfeed on a regular basis, really try to do so right after birth. It’s different from the milk produced even a few days later, because it’s packed with a lot of factors that get the baby’s immune system off to a good start.”