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- Home & Family
- December 15, 2010
In this thoughtful commentary, Viral Mehta, of the Huffington Post, reflects on the importance of choice. She writes, "I distinctly remember my parents telling me to “introspect” after any significant mistakes I made… As I reflect now, I realize that the word literally means to look within, to really experience the effects of our choices,
READ MOREThe U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Friday proposed the most sweeping food safety rules in decades, requiring farmers and food companies to be more vigilant in the wake of deadly outbreaks in peanuts, cantaloupe and leafy greens. Yahoo! News, 1/5/2013
READ MOREA Georgia woman has started a grassroots effort, drafting a volunteer army of citizen soldiers on a mission to let American forces serving in Afghanistan know that they are appreciated and that they are not alone. NBC Nightly News, 1/6/2013
READ MORESenator Mark Kirk, R-Ill., returned to Capitol Hill for the beginning of the 113th Congress, nearly one year after suffering a serious stroke. After having worked hard to recover, he enjoyed a moving welcome back to Congress amid cheers from his colleagues in the Senate. He climbed the steps of Capitol Hill determinedly and with bipartisan
READ MORENew research shows that employee engagement and workplace environment has more of an effect on employee wellbeing and happiness than vacation time or flextime policies do. Gallup Business Journal, January 2013
READ MOREThe Campaign for Safe Cosmetics is working with U.S. representatives to support the Safe Cosmetics Act of 2011, which seeks to remove harmful ingredients from products. Currently, the FDA doesn't have to approve most beauty aids before they go on the market. CNN, 12/28/2012