No No problem, private sites say

No No problem, private sites say
Photo credit: iStock has been challenging and time-consuming for many people, but there are other sites that can help you to find coverage that meets the requirements of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Jerry Zweiger, a 35-year-old collection agency owner, was able to secure a new plan in just 30 minutes through the website, a private site that has been approved by the government to sell coverage.

Zweiger shares, “I don’t have anything against the government, but my preference was to deal with a business. It’s a little more than I pay now but less than I was quoted a few months ago. I was actually pleasantly surprised.”

Other private sites that have been approved to sell coverage under the ACA include and However, those looking to claim the ACA’s tax subsidies should hold off on using these types of private sites for now, since the technology isn’t in place yet for these private sites to process the subsidies. These private sites are viable options for those not looking for subsidies, as they are often less expensive and offer help from professional insurance agents. Chini Krishnan, CEO of GetInsured, says, “With the government having all these performance issues, the question is whether private entities can play a bigger role, and I believe the answer is yes.”

USA Today, 11/27/13

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