• Improved measurements of sun to advance understanding of climate change

    The ash left behind by the Los Angeles wildfires might be toxic, experts warn

    “We know it’s a lot of emotions and feelings going on that you can put down your guard, but you shouldn’t do that. Just be safe. Be careful. Put all the gear you can — at least an N95 mask, gloves — and stay safe. Because you lost your property. But you don’t want to damage also your health in the longer run.” Mohammed Baalousha, professor, environmental health sciences, University of South Carolina.

  • Improved measurements of sun to advance understanding of climate change

    What checking your phone first thing in the morning does to your brain

    “Grabbing your phone and flooding your brain with notifications, social media feeds, or emails overstimulates your prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for decision-making and impulse control. This barrage of information can lead to mental fatigue before you’ve even gotten out of bed, making your mind feel cluttered and less focused for the rest of the day.”

  • Improved measurements of sun to advance understanding of climate change

    U.S. Surgeon General Calls for Cancer Warnings on Alcoholic Beverages

    “Alcohol is a well-established, preventable cause of cancer responsible for about 100,000 cases of cancer and 20,000 cancer deaths annually in the United States. Yet the majority of Americans are unaware of this risk.” Dr. Vivek Murthy, U.S. surgeon general.

  • Movement Aims to Restore Play to the Lives of Children

    Sarah Wilson has started a movement to give kids the chance to do something we took for granted years ago when children went to kindergarten- to play, to pretend, to use one's imagination, and to interact with other children.  These opportunities seem to be greatly needed in the kindergartens of today, where one is more

  • M.B.A.’s Have Biggest ‘Mommy Penalty,’ Doctors the Smallest

    Among highly educated women who take time off from their careers to raise their children, women with M.B.A.’s suffer the largest percentage “mommy penalty,” while those with medical degrees suffer the lowest proportionate loss, with female Ph.D.’s and lawyers falling somewhere in between. The New York Times, 12/6/2010

  • The (Un)Marriage Penalty

    For couples who aren't married, financial planning poses unique challenges. The Wall Street Journal, 12/12/2010

  • Celebrity Health Styles/ Celebrity Causes: Resources

      Celebrity Health and Fitness Celebrity Health & Fitness is a health, fitness, fashion and lifestyle Web magazine based in New York City. It publishes in-depth features and daily updates on news, opinion and gossip involving celebrity health, fitness, beauty, diet and fashion tips and secrets.

  • Home and Family Resources

      Parenting- The Home of Parenting and Baby Talk Parenting Magazine has long been the premier magazine for moms looking for honest, real-world advice on raising children; it also strives to provide the emotional support moms need to enjoy their full lives.  Expectant mothers and new parents will also enjoy Babytalk.  Information for both audiences can

  • Lifestyle & Relationships Resources

      Unfinished Business Lee Kravitz’s first book — the highly acclaimed memoir UNFINISHED BUSINESS: One Man’s Extraordinary Year of Trying to Do the Right Things — chronicles the journey he took to reconnect with his life after he lost his job as editor-in-chief of Parade in October 2007. This journey is also the topic of the

  • Environmental Well-Being Resources

      The Daily Green The Daily Green is a great resource for up-to-date news on the environment and on what people are doing to live “greener” lifestyles.   Mother Nature Network The mission of Mother Nature Network (MNN) can be found at the top of every page on their site:  “Improve Your World.”  But while many sites

  • Financial and Workplace Well-Being Resources

      Consumer Reports At TGFY Network, we like that Consumers Union- an independent, non-profit organization- has no ties or affiliations to any particular companies or brands, and we are therefore confident that the information they publish in Consumer Reports is non-biased.  The mission of Consumers Union is “to empower consumers to protect themselves.”   Fast

  • Health & Healing Resources

      Canyon Ranch Canyon Ranch has been at the forefront of expanding the concept of a health resort by introducing a comprehensive professional approach, with a staff that includes registered dieticians, board-certified physicians, exercise physiologists, licensed therapists and other highly skilled, caring staff in order to provide guests with every possible resource. Their mission is

  • Spreading the Corporate Holiday Cheer

    With Thanksgiving behind us and the holiday season kicking into high gear, it's time to reward and recognize the hard-working people who help make your business possible. The Wall Street Journal, 12/1/2010

  • TGFY Store

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  • Blogs

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed pharetra neque at mauris rhoncus vel dignissim ipsum malesuada. Etiam pretium elit ut enim vulputate semper. Sed ac commodo ante. Suspendisse lacus dolor, vehicula et adipiscing congue, tempus quis est. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque pharetra erat sed sapien iaculis tempor. Mauris

  • Making a Positive Difference Resources

      Making a Difference on NBC Nightly News As Brian Williams, Anchor and Managing Editor of NBC Nightly News and Rock Center explains, the “Making a Difference segments have become a signature of the broadcast. They adhere to a simple goal of highlighting the good works being done across the country and around the world.”


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