• Raising  the Chance of Some Cancers with Two Drinks a Day

    The ash left behind by the Los Angeles wildfires might be toxic, experts warn

    “We know it’s a lot of emotions and feelings going on that you can put down your guard, but you shouldn’t do that. Just be safe. Be careful. Put all the gear you can — at least an N95 mask, gloves — and stay safe. Because you lost your property. But you don’t want to damage also your health in the longer run.” Mohammed Baalousha, professor, environmental health sciences, University of South Carolina.

  • Raising  the Chance of Some Cancers with Two Drinks a Day

    What checking your phone first thing in the morning does to your brain

    “Grabbing your phone and flooding your brain with notifications, social media feeds, or emails overstimulates your prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for decision-making and impulse control. This barrage of information can lead to mental fatigue before you’ve even gotten out of bed, making your mind feel cluttered and less focused for the rest of the day.”

  • Raising  the Chance of Some Cancers with Two Drinks a Day

    U.S. Surgeon General Calls for Cancer Warnings on Alcoholic Beverages

    “Alcohol is a well-established, preventable cause of cancer responsible for about 100,000 cases of cancer and 20,000 cancer deaths annually in the United States. Yet the majority of Americans are unaware of this risk.” Dr. Vivek Murthy, U.S. surgeon general.

  • Where there’s a way, there’s a will

    This article describes some very interesting studies that tested the willpower of both children and adult participants, including a recent follow-up study to a 1967 study done at Stanford. This new study's co-author, Dr. B.J. Casey from Weill Cornell Medical School, says, "This is the first time that we have located the specific area [of

  • Matt Damon Launches Charity Water Bottle

    Matt Damon and the charity that he co-founded, Water.org, are launching a water bottle campaign to help some of the 884 million people who lack access to clean, safe water. Damon said, “I think what resonates with me most is when you see people living without clean water and they’re forced to scavenge for water

  • Compost Your Pumpkins

    Once you are finished celebrating Halloween, compost your pumpkins instead of throwing them in the garbage. “Pumpkins, which of course are 100% natural, will break down quickly as compost in your yard, providing you with valuable nutrients for your lawn or garden.” The Daily Green, 10/31/2011

  • Stamp out workplace fear

    Fearing for your job in the workplace can actually lead to reduced productivity and unnecessary stress. According to Tom Reiger, author of "Breaking the Fear Barrier," on-the-job anxiety is "caused primarily by a fear of loss: fear of not getting a bonus, not meeting a goal, losing decision rights, losing something." Unless workers resolve to

  • Childproofing: Crawling Your Way to Safety

    According to this article, the best way to childproof a home is to get down on the floor and crawl around so you can see your home through a toddler's eyes.  Another important thing to note is that childproofing has changed in recent years, both in the products available and in the household dangers parents

  • Three Types of Business Relationships: Which Should You Nurture?

    Relationships are divided into three buckets: personal relationships, functional relationships and strategic relationships. Best-selling author David Nour urges us to focus on nurturing strategic relationships. “Leave the product conversation behind and get to know the person and the business problem they are trying to solve. By building relationships, rather than making transactional sales, businesses will

  • Study: Soft Drinks Linked to Violent Tendencies in Teens

    According to new research, teens who reported drinking lots of soda were also more likely to have used alcohol or smoked cigarettes, which could explain why those teens who drink large quantities of soda seem to be prone to violence. Another study found antisocial tendencies among U.S. college students who consumed a lot of soda.

  • Spirit of Children Program Raises $2.5mm for Hospitalized Children Before Halloween

    North America's largest seasonal Halloween store, Spirit Halloween, says that this year, their Spirit of Children fundraising efforts have already raised $2.5MM in cash and merchandise for 126 hospitals across the United States and Canada, in advance of Halloween. Through the Spirit of Children program, Spirit Halloween hosts Halloween celebrations for hospitalized children while providing

  • Winterize Your Home

    Oct. 30 is National Weatherization Day. With winter knocking at your door, keep cold air out and energy bills down by weatherizing your home. This week's tips will help get you started. Sierra Club Blog – The Green Life, 10/24 & 10/25/2011

  • Cancer Survivor Inspires Others Through Books

    Gale Giandelone is inspiring cancer patients in her new book. She details her own battle with cancer and is gives people facing cancer lots of encouragement. Dailycomet, 10/25/2011

  • Surprising New Research about How Couples Argue

    New research shows that a couple’s level of fighting stays surprisingly consistent throughout the course of a marriage. According to Claire Kamp Dush, lead author of the study, “The most important takeaway is there is a lot of stability in conflict. If you’re finding it difficult to live with the level of conflict in your

  • Bruce Springsteen And Ricky Gervais To Stand Up For Heroes

             Bruce Springsteen, Jon Stewart and Ricky Gervais will take part in a special charity event in New York next month. The event is intended to honor and support those who continue to fight for the US’s freedom.  The long-term goal is to help heal the physical and psychological wounds of war.

  • Bond With Teacher Can Help Curb Aggression in kids

    Researchers have found that having a good relationship with their teacher may help reduce aggressive behavior among first-graders and also protect them from other students’ aggression. “Children’s relationships with teachers and with peers in school play a critical role in shaping their social-behavioral development.” Yahoo! News, 10/26/2011

  • Poll: Many Boomers Staying Put Amid Bad Economy

    As baby boomers look ahead to retirement, they’d prefer a home that is affordable, accessible to medical care and close to family. But an Associated Press-LifeGoesStrong.com poll finds that amid a shaky economy, few think it’s likely they’ll move in retirement. Associated Press, 10/26/2011

  • How to Save Money on Your Energy Bill

    If you're tired of your money getting sucked up by high energy bills, there's help. Consumer Reports shares some tips on ways to save all over your house. ABC 7, 10/24/2011


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