The Cost and Benefits of Emotional Honesty
- Lifestyle & Relationships
- December 16, 2011
Learning to let yourself be open about your emotions with both yourself and your significant other is a difficult task, but the joys of connection and fulfillment that come with being real and authentic are beyond measure. After all, how can you trust that someone loves you for who you are if you've been too
READ MOREShop ‘Til You Stop: How to Treat Compulsive Spending
- Lifestyle & Relationships
- December 6, 2011
The holidays are a tricky time for shopaholics, an estimated 6% of the U.S. population, as bargains beckon and cultural cues egg people on to spend. Compulsive buying disorder, as it's officially known, is generally considered an impulse-control problem. Many compulsive shoppers also suffer from depression, anxiety, substance-abuse or eating disorders, and about half of
READ MORECan the ‘Planner’ and “Winging It’ Live Happily Every After?
- Lifestyle & Relationships
- November 30, 2011
He's a planner, she isn't. How do couples cope when it comes to day-to-day issues, vacations and larger life plans? Elizabeth Bernstein offers some relationship advice for "planners who love people who wing it." Wall Street Journal, 11/29/2011
READ MOREIn season of giving thanks, signs that gratitude is back
- Lifestyle & Relationships
- November 29, 2011
Economic hard times and a surge in the amount of academic research being conducted on the benefits of gratitude may be factors in the current boom in the popularity of giving thanks. The University of California Davis is one of many institutions conducting research on the subject, with their project "Expanding the Science and Practice
READ MOREGiving Thanks Helps Your Psychological Outlook
- Lifestyle & Relationships
- November 28, 2011
Expressing gratitude is good for you. Just ask University of Miami psychology professor Michael McCullough whose done extensive research on the subject: “It does make people happier…it’s that incredible feeling.” Maryann Troiani, a Chicago area psychologist and self-help author, is quoted as saying: “Gratitude really changes your attitude and your outlook on life.” That’s why
READ MOREIn Hard Times, Americans Still Thankful
- Lifestyle & Relationships
- November 28, 2011
The people profiled in this article- including people who have faced layoffs, car accidents, and the loss of a loved one- have moved beyond their issues to embrace the holiday spirit. Though life may at times present hardships, how is it that some people are able to rise above them and find gratitude in their
The power of nostalgia at Thanksgiving
- Lifestyle & Relationships
- November 24, 2011
According to nutritional psychologists and researchers at the University of Southampton, nostalgia (as experienced at Thanksgiving) fills a very important need to belong and feel socially connected, and is actually good for our mental health.
READ MOREFacebook Privacy Concerns: How to Protect Yourself
- Lifestyle & Relationships
- November 17, 2011
Here's some helpful information about cookies and supercookies and what steps you can take to prevent a site like facebook from following you online once you leave their site. ABC News, 11/16/2011
READ MOREAt A Big Church, Small Group Health Solutions
- Lifestyle & Relationships
- November 17, 2011
When Rick Warren of Saddleback Church realized that his church members (including himself) were too fat, he proposed to Dr. Mark Hyman that they work together on weight loss with small groups from the church, forming an incredible program. Their story is a great example of small communities doing something good and healthy. New York
READ MOREWorld marks 11/11/11 with weddings, lotteries and hope
- Lifestyle & Relationships
- November 12, 2011
People came together and celebrated this once-in-a-century day in all sorts of ways (like the young couple pictured above who chose 11/11/11 as their wedding date), seeing it as a lucky or, at the very least, positive day. AFP News/ Yahoo! News, 11/11/2011
READ MOREThe Gift of Being Present
- Lifestyle & Relationships
- November 4, 2011
The main piece of advice in this article is as follows: “When speaking with others, drop everything else and be present.” Doing this will facilitate a true connection between yourself and the person with whom you're speaking. Conversations, both professional and personal, deserve your full and undivided attention. Once you give them your full attention,
READ MOREWhere there’s a way, there’s a will
- Lifestyle & Relationships
- October 31, 2011
This article describes some very interesting studies that tested the willpower of both children and adult participants, including a recent follow-up study to a 1967 study done at Stanford. This new study's co-author, Dr. B.J. Casey from Weill Cornell Medical School, says, "This is the first time that we have located the specific area [of
READ MORESurprising New Research about How Couples Argue
- Lifestyle & Relationships
- October 27, 2011
New research shows that a couple’s level of fighting stays surprisingly consistent throughout the course of a marriage. According to Claire Kamp Dush, lead author of the study, “The most important takeaway is there is a lot of stability in conflict. If you’re finding it difficult to live with the level of conflict in your
READ MOREFive Ways Friends Help Build Our Self-Confidence
- Lifestyle & Relationships
- October 25, 2011
Five ways include: Friends cheer our successes, friends model new ways of being, friends support our efforts to grow, friends wipe away our tears and friends teach us the value of teamwork. Psychology Today, 10/22/2011
READ MORENumber of Facebook Friends Linked to Size of Brain Regions, Study Suggests
- Lifestyle & Relationships
- October 24, 2011
Scientists have found a direct link between the number of ‘Facebook Friends’ a person has and the size of that person's particular brain regions. Researchers at University College London (UCL) also showed that the more Facebook friends a person has, the more real-world friends they are likely to have. Science Daily, 10/20/2011
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