Providing Help to Spouses of PTSD Sufferers
- Home & Family
- June 16, 2011
The spouses of those coming home from war with post traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) often suffer through tremendous amounts of stress of their own. A program was started at Walter Reed Hospital to help these wives take better care of themselves. According to the report, the government lists some 78,000 soldiers with PTSD, but there
READ MOREFDA Warns Not to Feed SimplyThick to Premature Infants
- Home & Family
- May 31, 2011
SimplyThick is designed to help premature babies swallow, but some babies are developing an intestinal disorder that has already proven fatal twice. Two premature infants died as a result of having the thickening agent SimplyThick added to their breast milk or formula. There have been 15 cases reported from around the country – all premature
READ MOREHelping Kids Beat Depression… By Treating Mom
- Home & Family
- May 17, 2011
Successfully treating a mother with depression isn't just good for the mom; it also can provide long-lasting benefits for her children's mental health, new research shows. The Wall Street Journal, 5/17/2011
READ MOREToddlers With Low Self-Control Face Problems in Adulthood
- Home & Family
- January 27, 2011
Kids who scored low on assessments of self-control as toddlers were more likely to have adult difficulties including health problems, alcohol dependence, financial problems and a criminal record, a new study shows (kids were assessed on measures of self-control by parents, researchers and teachers every few years during childhood). The Wall Street Journal, 1/24/2011 KEEP
READ MOREGrown-Up Problems Start at Bedtime
- Home & Family
- January 19, 2011
Children who have persistent sleep problems are more likely in later years to suffer from depression and anxiety disorders and to abuse alcohol and drugs than kids without sleep problems, studies show. The Wall Street Journal, 1/19/2011
READ MOREMovement Aims to Restore Play to the Lives of Children
- Home & Family
- January 12, 2011
Sarah Wilson has started a movement to give kids the chance to do something we took for granted years ago when children went to kindergarten- to play, to pretend, to use one's imagination, and to interact with other children. These opportunities seem to be greatly needed in the kindergartens of today, where one is more
READ MOREHome and Family Resources
- Home & Family
- December 15, 2010
Parenting- The Home of Parenting and Baby Talk Parenting Magazine has long been the premier magazine for moms looking for honest, real-world advice on raising children; it also strives to provide the emotional support moms need to enjoy their full lives. Expectant mothers and new parents will also enjoy Babytalk. Information for both audiences can
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The texting dead
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The business of happy families: Family Inc.
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It All Started With a 12-Year-Old Cousin
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Brought back from the dead
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