Maternal mortality: An American crisis
- Headlines & Highlights
- August 7, 2018
“If you have a C-section in 2018, you have a 90 percent chance of having a C-section the second time. But the second time it’s a more complicated surgery. And the third time, it can be like operating on a melted box of crayons. And in those cases, women can bleed to death.”
Why ‘beauty sleep’ is real, according to doctors
- Headlines & Highlights
- August 2, 2018
“Sleep is incredibly important for physical appearance. Sleep is a regenerative process where we heal and where our neurons build strong connections. It’s like a fountain of youth that we dive in to every night.”
READ MORE3 in 5 babies not breastfed in the first hour of life
- Headlines & Highlights
- August 2, 2018
“Breastfeeding gives children the best possible start in life. We must urgently scale up support to mothers – be it from family members, health care workers, employers and governments, so they can give their children the start they deserve.”
- Headlines & Highlights
- August 2, 2018
No Twitter, Facebook or Instagram accounts for actress Jennifer Aniston. That’s what she told Molly McNearney during an InStyle interview:
READ MOREGrieving mother orca falling behind her family as she carries dead calf for a 7th day
- Headlines & Highlights
- August 1, 2018
It’s not just humans who deal with grief & mourning. An orca whale has continued to do everything she can to hold on to her calf, who died just a half hour after being born. The story has captivated the hearts of those following the saga of this mother orca, who is part of an endangered species.
READ MOREHospitals know how to protect mothers. They just aren’t doing it.
- Home & Family, Headlines & Highlights
- July 30, 2018
“What we know about those deaths is that most of them were absolutely preventable. They were from causes that we could have done something about. We could have prevented it if we had recognized the emergency early on.”
READ MORECellphones in classrooms contribute to failing grades: Study
- Headlines & Highlights
- July 30, 2018
“I was always interested in using technology in the classroom before it existed, but when it became apparent that it was affecting the classroom, it raised the question (of) what effect it was having.”
READ MOREChemicals in Food May Harm Children, Pediatricians’ Group Says
- Headlines & Highlights
- July 27, 2018
“The good news is there are safe and simple steps people can take right now to limit exposures, and they don’t have to break the bank.”
READ MOREYour doctor may not be the best source of nutrition advice
- Featured, Headlines & Highlights
- July 24, 2018
“This is what happens when you don’t teach nutrition. You cannot learn in 2 hours what it takes 20 hours to learn.”
READ MOREAbuse, neglect & a system that failed
- Home & Family, Headlines & Highlights
- July 18, 2018
“In our system, once a child is adopted, we equate it with success & there is very little followup. We actually know very little about the well-being of how kids from foster care do after being adopted.” Vivek Sankaram. U. of Michigan law professor
Driving while distracted: Why can’t we ignore the pings?
- Lifestyle & Relationships, Headlines & Highlights
- August 18, 2016
Just how addictive is the sound of a ping? Has it gotten you to check a text while driving, even though you know it can increase the risk of an accident?
Man Who Received Bride’s Father’s Heart Walks Her Down The Aisle On Her Wedding Day
- Making a Positive Difference, Headlines & Highlights
- August 7, 2016
“Jeni wrote me a letter. And she said, “Tom, I’m the daughter of the man whose heart’s inside of you, and I’m going to get married on August 6th. One further thing if you’re willing, would you walk me down the aisle.”
Stopped flossing? Teeth still vital to overall health
- Headlines & Highlights
- August 3, 2016
“I’m a periodontist so I deal with gum disease every day, and there are lots of studies showing that plaque building up between the teeth does cause gum disease.”
READ MOREGrid Attack: How America Could Go Dark
- Headlines & Highlights
- July 14, 2016
“The U.S. electric system is in danger of widespread blackouts lasting days, weeks or longer through the destruction of sensitive hard-to-replace equipment; Yet records are so spotty….”
READ MOREHow to Stop Robocalls… or at Least Fight Back
- Headlines & Highlights
- June 28, 2016
“When robots call, don’t answer. Experts from the FTC and Federal Communications Commission told me that letting the systems know you’re a real person… “
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The texting dead
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- April 8, 2013
The business of happy families: Family Inc.
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- February 12, 2013
It All Started With a 12-Year-Old Cousin
- Making a Positive Difference
- February 3, 2014
Brought back from the dead
- Health & Healing
- May 5, 2014