Make a new kind of New Year’s resolution

Make a new kind of New Year’s resolution
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Is your resolution to lose some weight for the New Year? Many people pledge to drop a few pounds, but it may be a better idea to set attainable goals toward a healthier life that you can take on each week.

Dr. Amy Crawford-Faucher, a family physician at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, says,

“Good health happens when the physical, emotional and social or environmental parts of our lives are in balance. When people resolve to ‘lose weight,’ they are actually saying, ‘I want to feel and look better.’”

Need a few ideas? CNN Health put together a list with a few suggestions from health experts, such as enjoying the outdoors and getting some fresh air whenever you get a chance.

“Turn the TV off, leave the tablet out of your bedroom, and pick up a good book,”

recommends Dr. Rebecca Cipriano, co-founder of Healthy Woman USA.

Jae Berman, a registered dietician and personal trainer at the Bay Club Company, recommends adjusting your schedule so you can get some extra sleep:

“Slowly change your routine to add 15 minutes a night until you get to eight hours.”

Dr. Crawford-Faucher says that rather than giving things up, try adding healthy options to your diet. Slow down and pay attention to what you’re doing, since research has shown that mindfulness can help to reduce stress and keep you at a healthy weight. Harvard’s Family Health Guide says it’s a good idea to practice deep breathing, too.

Health and nutrition consultant Deborah Levy, of Carrington and Co., LLC, recommends that you try new things that will allow for new challenges. Focus on small positive changes. Trainer Shay Kostabi picks a theme to help guide her each New Year.

“Choosing just one word that describes how you want to feel instead of what you think you should do or accomplish in the New Year is really powerful,” Kostabi explains. How will you focus on wellness this year?

CNN, 12/30/13

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