Inactivity and screen time among children linked to heart damage by young adulthood

Inactivity and screen time among children linked to heart damage by young adulthood
Photo credit: iStock

Study Finds: “Allowing children to consistently watch TV for extended periods can lead to heart-related issues years later, a new study warns. Researchers discovered that being inactive from childhood through young adulthood displays a link to heart damage, independent of factors like weight and blood pressure.”

Dr. Andrew Agbaje, the University of Eastern Finland, explains:

“All those hours of screen time in young people add up to a heavier heart, which we know from studies in adults raises the likelihood of heart attack and stroke. Children and teenagers need to move more to protect their long-term health. Children were sedentary for more than six hours a day and this increased by nearly three hours a day by the time they reached young adulthood. Our study indicates that the accumulation of inactive time is related to heart damage regardless of body weight and blood pressure.”

He shared this advice:

“Parents should encourage children and teenagers to move more by taking them out for a walk and limiting time spent on social media and video games. As Martin Luther King Jr. once said, ‘If you can’t fly, run. If you can’t run, walk. If you can’t walk, crawl. But by all means keep moving.”

Study Finds, 8/23/23

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