Exposure to cleaning products in first three months of life increases risk of childhood asthma
- Headlines & Highlights
- February 19, 2020
“The risks of recurrent wheeze and asthma were notably higher in homes with frequent use of certain products, such as liquid or solid air fresheners, plug-in deodorizers, dusting sprays, antimicrobial hand sanitizers and oven cleaners. It may be important for people to consider removing scented spray cleaning products from their cleaning routine. We believe that the smell of a healthy home is no smell at all.”
How Amazon convinced millions of people to welcome “listening devices” into their homes
- Headlines & Highlights
- February 19, 2020
“They’re trying to move as intimately as possible and as quietly as possible into everyday life. Amazon wants to have the entire environment, essentially miked… All these intimacies, all this insight is being integrated, analyzed and integrated. That is an extraordinary kind of power that has never before existed.” Shoshana Zuboff, author of “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism”
The class of 2000 ‘Could have been anything.’ Until opioids hit
- Headlines & Highlights
- December 4, 2019
A must read NY Times story: “In all of the interviews, one thing was clear: Opioids have spared relatively no one in Scioto County; everyone appears to know someone whose life has been affected by addiction.”
Marijuana damages young brains
- Headlines & Highlights
- June 19, 2019
“Numerous studies show that marijuana can have a deleterious impact on cognitive development in adolescents, impairing executive function, processing speed, memory, attention span and concentration. The damage is measurable with an IQ test.”
Bayer’s $2 billion Roundup damages boost pressure to settle
- Headlines & Highlights
- May 14, 2019
“The company has got to come to the table with a viable plan to resolve these cases, or the losses are going to mount. This outcome should make Monsanto realize the seriousness of these claims and how a jury perceives the evidence.”
Half of millennials say social media drives them to spend money they don’t have
- Headlines & Highlights
- May 13, 2019
“Spending is not the enemy, but when we allow social pressure or other forces to lure us into spending beyond our means, it can impact long-term financial stability and become a larger problem.” Terri Kallsen, executive vice president at Schwab
Sweeping lawsuit accuses top generic drug companies, executives of fixing prices
- Headlines & Highlights
- May 12, 2019
“It’s $100 billion market. We’re talking about the drugs that America takes every day to live. And they’re profiteering off of that in a highly illegal way. They’re just taking advantage.”
Self-Poisoning Among Teens Spikes — Experts Urge Parents to Monitor Meds
- Headlines & Highlights
- May 1, 2019
“We need to be having conversations with young people much earlier about emotional pain, specifically any thoughts of suicide. Adults need to be comfortable asking uncomfortable questions.”
‘Doctors Became Overworked Robots’: Physician Burnout Jumps Dramatically In 3-Year Study
- Headlines & Highlights
- April 22, 2019
“Doctors now spend more time with electronic health records than they do with patients. Electronic health records were pushed by the government at great expense and without regard to the effects upon patient or physician health. Go into any hospital and look for the nurses and the doctors. You will find them sitting in front of computers. They are not happy, and their patients are not healthier.”
Your Apps Know Where You Were Last Night, and They’re Not Keeping It Secret
- Headlines & Highlights
- December 28, 2018
“Many location services say that when a phone users enable location services, their data is fair game.” From a NY Times cover story–well worth reading.
A Reason to Think Twice About Your Child’s ADHD Diagnosis
- Headlines & Highlights
- December 28, 2018
“Something is fundamentally wrong with the way ADHD is diagnosed. There’s a whole list of things that have nothing to do with the chemistry of the brain that increases your risk of being diagnosed with ADHD.” Dr. Martin Whitely, researcher & 1st author of a new study
Down With Homework, Say U.S. School Districts
- Headlines & Highlights
- December 28, 2018
Do you think homework should be reduced or eliminated for elementary school kids?
READ MORERichard Branson on dyslexics: We’re wired differently
- Headlines & Highlights
- October 22, 2018
“People were either assumed to be stupid in school or bright in school, and I was definitely put into the former class.”
Not exercising worse for your health than smoking, diabetes and heart disease, study reveals
- Headlines & Highlights
- October 22, 2018
“Cardiorespiratory fitness is a modifiable indicator of long term mortality and healthcare professionals should encourage patients to achieve and maintain high levels of fitness.”
Every Older Patient Has a Story. Medical Students Need to Hear It.
- Headlines & Highlights
- October 18, 2018
“Unfortunately, most education takes place within the hospital. If you’re only seeing the hospitalized elderly, you’re seeing the debilitated, the physically deteriorating, the demented. It’s easy to pick up ageist stereotypes.”
Home and Family Resources
- Home & Family
- December 15, 2010
Environmental Well-Being Resources
- Environmental Well-Being
- December 15, 2010
Lifestyle & Relationships Resources
- Lifestyle & Relationships
- December 15, 2010
Headlines & Highlights
Marijuana damages young brains
- Headlines & Highlights
- June 19, 2019
Featured Stories
The texting dead
- Lifestyle & Relationships
- April 8, 2013
The business of happy families: Family Inc.
- Home & Family
- February 12, 2013
It All Started With a 12-Year-Old Cousin
- Making a Positive Difference
- February 3, 2014
Brought back from the dead
- Health & Healing
- May 5, 2014
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