For Halloween, There’s Nothing Scarier Than a Fickle Toddler

For Halloween, There’s Nothing Scarier Than a Fickle Toddler
Photo credit: iStock

“I’m Batman.” One week later. “No, Spiderman.”
For parents, yearly challenge is buying right Halloween Costume.

“For the adults, it’s a holiday, but for a child imagining being something else is
something that comes from within and changes from moment to moment.”

Tovah Klein, author of How Toddlers Thrive, explaining why children may repeatedly change their minds about what to wear for Halloween:

“It’s one of the beautiful clashes between the young child’s world and the parent’s world.”

Angela Rubin, told the Wall Street Journal that her 4-year-old daughter, Maggie, went from wanting to be the Princess in the movie Frozen to the TV superhero Owlette.

“She came to me all sheepish and says, ‘Mommy, I want to change my Halloween costume,’ like she was dropping out of school. What am I going to do, refuse?”

How do you deal with your kids when they can’t make up their minds or have a change of heart when it comes to committing to a costume?

WSJ, 10/15/18

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