• New Book on How To ‘Thrive’: Short Commutes, More Happy Hours

    Many people believe that happiness comes from money or youth or beauty, but Dan Buettner would respectfully disagree. Buettner visited some of the happiest places on Earth and argues that the real keys to happiness lie in fundamental, permanent changes to the way we live.  His 5 basic domains that he says govern happiness are:

  • Inspiring, Uplifting Reads For Breast Cancer Awareness Month

    Rodney Yee and Kris Carr’s book, “Crazy Sexy Cancer,” chronicles Carr’s fight with cancer and contains interviews she conducted with other cancer survivors. The author provides cancer victims with a model of living well with cancer, which involves exercising and eating healthy. Other inspirational books about understanding and surviving breast cancer include “The Not-so-Scary Breast

  • Ebooks or Printed Books: Which Are Better For You?

    Are you worried that eBooks may be worse to read for your health than regular books? Worry no more. Researchers in Germany have determined that there is no difference in reading from a book or from a tablet. Furthermore, one group that was studied developed faster reading speeds on an iPad than in a book.

  • Saving Money, Amish Style

      Author Lorilee Craker’s new book, “Money Secrets of the Amish,” breaks down the essential strategies and attitudes that the Amish have about money to help you learn to survive with less. Craker shares the practical money and resource-saving tips that the Amish use, and encourages us to try these tips in our own lives. 

  • Siblings often have strong relationships throughout their lives, author says

    Time magazine science writer, Jeffrey Kluger, explains sibling relationships in his new book, “The Sibling Effect.”  Kluger discusses his own experience growing up in a blended family, as well as biological and psychological studies. According to Kluger, “Sibling relationships are among the deepest that people ever have, and they are among the most enduring.” The


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