How Twentysomethings Can Start Off on the Right Foot Financially
- Making the Most of Your Money
- January 23, 2012
U.S. News recently spoke with Lise Andreana, a certified financial planner and author of the recently released book, No More Mac 'n Cheese!: The Real-World Guide to Managing Your Money for 20-Somethings, about how recent graduates can navigate the challenges of starting a career, saving money, and more. US News, 1/17/2012
READ MOREJust say no to store credit card offers
- Making the Most of Your Money
- December 6, 2011
Especially during the holiday spending season, it can be very tempting to accept the instant discounts major retailers offer you at the register for applying for the store's credit card. But Beverly Harzog of advises, "Always say no… It's just never, ever a good idea to try to get approved on the spot when
READ MORECan your family survive on 1 income?
- Making the Most of Your Money
- May 19, 2011
What are the financial risks when one parent leaves the workplace? And how can you reduce those risks with proper planning? In today's economy, families are all too often forced to become 1 income families because one parent loses a job. Alternatively, one parent often chooses to stay at home. This article explains how careful
READ MOREThis isn’t Grandpa’s retirement
- Making the Most of Your Money
- January 14, 2011
Seniors are choosing work over a life of leisure, which is a good thing for America. USA Today, 1/5/2011
READ MOREYou Must Remember This: The one sentence financial advisors wish their clients would remember
- Making the Most of Your Money
- December 16, 2010
Looking for financial advice you can actually remember? The Wall Street Journal asked some financial advisers to sum up in one sentence the most important advice they could give clients to help them better manage their financial lives. PLUS: Share your own financial words of wisdom with other TGFYN-ers! The Wall Street Journal, 12/12/2010
READ MORETracking Your Federal Dollars
- Making the Most of Your Money
- December 1, 2010
The Wall Street Journal shows an itemized receipt, showing the allocation of income tax dollars within the Federal budget for a working couple as well as a retired couple. The Wall Street Journal, 11/6/2010
READ MOREHow to Handle Family Gift Giving When Everyone Has Different Budgets
- Making the Most of Your Money
- December 1, 2010
With gift-giving season just around the corner, Susan Stiffelman gives tips for how families can deal with discrepancies in budgets for gifts. ParentDish, 11/22/2010
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