• How to Be a Better Conversationalist0

    Do you have the gift of gab? Small talk is important for connecting with others, but some people are better at it than others. Some experts worry that young people are so wrapped up in texting and videogames that they aren’t learning the basics of conversation. Dr. Bernardo J. Carducci, professor of psychology and director

  • Tips to help increase breast-milk production0

    Do you know any new moms who have struggled with breastfeeding? The beginning stages of breastfeeding are most important for ensuring a good milk supply for the baby, and there are a few things to be aware of. Dr. Deborah Bain, a pediatrician at Health Kids Pediatrics in Frisco, Texas, explains why breastfeeding can be difficult for

  • Toddler tech: How young is too young for a smartphone?0

    Many parents are giving their children smartphones at younger ages. A new study found that 25% of kids age two and younger now have their own device. While some parents may look at smartphones as a learning tool for their children, experts like psychiatrist Gail Saltz believe these devices may actually do more harm than

  • One Tough Cookie0

    Kathleen King started baking and selling her own cookies when she was just 11-years-old, which led her to start her own baking company and even purchase the building it was housed in by the age of 23.

  • ‘Fat shaming’ actually increases risk of becoming or staying obese, new study says0

    A new study has found that trying to make obese people feel badly about their weight doesn’t actually motivate these people to lose weight, since many simply interpret these kinds of comments as discrimination. “Weight discrimination, in addition to being hurtful and demeaning, has real consequences for the individual’s physical health,” explains Angelina Sutin, lead

  • Unemployed and Older, and Facing a Jobless Future0

    People who are over 50 and unemployed are having a harder time finding a job, and for some, the situation may be permanent. The recession, company downsizing, and motivated young professionals are just a few reasons older job applicants are struggling.


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