• Preterm birth linked to chemicals0

    A group of chemicals that mimic hormones, called phthalates, which are contained in processed foods and personal care products, have been linked to an increased risk of preterm delivery for pregnant women. According to the study in JAMA Pediatrics, women with higher levels of phthalates were two to five times more likely to deliver before 37 weeks.

  • Simply Deciding To Be Related0

    Friends can become your family, as Beki Reese and Matthew Tanksley know. Tanksley was friends with Reese’s 22-year-old son, Caleb, who died of lung cancer. He helped his friend along the way and comforted the Reese family during the tragic time. Beki was happy to welcome Matthew into the family, as Matthew’s own mother had passed away when he was a young teen.

  • Drivers still Web surfing while driving, survey finds0

    Texting while driving has been a concern for years now, but a new national survey by State Farm has found that almost one in four drivers are also surfing the internet while behind the wheel. More people age 40+ are now using smartphones, which has contributed to the increase.

  • Mentally Strong People: The 13 Things They Avoid

    Mentally Strong People: The 13 Things They Avoid0

    Are you mentally strong? Ann Morin, a psychotherapist and licensed clinical social worker, created a list of 13 things to avoid doing if you want to be mentally strong, which she posted on LifeHack. Writer Cheryl Conner says that she was so taken with what Morin had to say, that she decided not only to share the list, but to give her take on each item as it relates to entrepreneurs.

  • What runs in your family? Talking turkey about health

    What runs in your family? Talking turkey about health0

    What do you talk about around the Thanksgiving dinner table? This story from November 2013 is every bit as relevant today. Then Surgeon General, Boris Lushniak, reminded us that it’s a good time to talk about your family’s history of diseases and any other information that can help you keep your loved ones healthy, as the holiday has been declared National Family History Day.

  • Toddler’s ‘Star-Spangled Banner’ Rendition Melts Hearts0

    Grace Ann Rodgers, a 3-year-old from Liberty, Kentucky, has a genetic disorder called Conradi Hunermann syndrome that has required her to undergo many eye and spinal surgeries and has taken away her ability to walk, but boy, can she sing!


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