• Software developer, dentist and other health care careers top U.S. News & World Report’s 2014 Best Jobs list

    Software developer, dentist and other health care careers top U.S. News & World Report’s 2014 Best Jobs list0

    Every year, to help people decide on a steady career, U.S. News & World Report publishes a ranking of the best jobs. This year, for the first time ever, the number one spot was taken by an information technology job over one in the health care industry. In fact, the first and second slots were filled by software developers and computer systems analysts. The rise of mobile devices has largely fueled growth in the software development sector, where job growth is expected to climb an additional 23% by 2022.

  • Step by step, a way to health, happiness and friendship0

    Writer Charles Fleming had more than his fair share of health ailments, from two hip replacements to a broken leg, two spinal surgeries, and more. Even though he was told he needed it, Fleming declined a third spinal surgery and opted to try to mend himself by exercising.

  • The ‘No More Tears’ Shampoo, Now With No Formaldehyde0

    After being put under pressure by environmental groups and consumers alike, Johnson & Johnson has removed the chemicals formaldehyde and 1,4-dioxane from its No More Tears baby shampoo and other products for tots. The company fulfilled its promise of removing the potentially harmful chemicals by the end of 2013, with plans to reformulate all of its other consumer products and brands, such as Clean & Clear and Neutrogena.

  • Modern Etiquette: Business cocktail etiquette

    Modern Etiquette: Business cocktail etiquette0

    How do you make the most of after-hours networking events? “Just because an event takes place after hours doesn’t mean you’re off the clock. In fact, the time you spend at an event may be the most valuable time you put in that day and in your career,” explains Pamela Eyring, the owner and president of a professional business etiquette and international protocol training school called The Protocol School of Washington.

  • Got a charge for $9.84 on your credit card? Beware0

    A fraud alert was issued by the Better Business Bureau following complaints of a $9.84 charge showing up on many people’s credit card statements. The charge may show up as “customer support” or as a charge from any one of a number of different websites.

  • Young and old together: Why kids and the elderly benefit from close relationships0

    Parents Jeff and Heather Anderson know how important it is for their children to have loving relationships with their grandparents and elders. Their kids are lucky to not only have biological grandparents Carl and Rosalin Anderson, but also an honorary grandparent in their neighbor, “Grandma Margie.” Heather believes that, through these friendships, the grandparents teach the children non-judgmental love, while the kids bring happiness and youthfulness to the relationship.


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