• Privacy & User Policy0

    Last Revised: April 29, 2013   I.    INTRODUCTION   This User Agreement and Privacy Policy governs www.goodforyounetwork.com, www.goodforyou.net, www.tgfy.net,  and www.thegoodforyounetwork.com   and all related applications and/or services, regardless of how distributed, transmitted, published, or broadcast (each, a "Service”) provided by Carter Communications LLC (“we,” "us," or “our”), and is binding on all those who access,

  • Serious reading takes a hit from online scanning and skimming, researchers say0

    How often do you find yourself quickly skimming an article online without actually reading the whole thing? Do you think it affects your ability to sit down and read a book the traditional way? Cognitive neuroscientists worry that our tendency to scan instead of thoroughly reading is impacting not only the way we read on and offline, but just how well we comprehend what we’re reading.

  • The happy song makes me happy1

    A 32-year-old woman was so happy listening to Pharrell Williams song of the same title that she posted to Facebook: “The happy song makes me happy.” The only problem was that she was reportedly driving on a North Carolina highway at the time.

  • How to raise happy kids, according to science0

    Your child’s happiness is, of course, of utmost importance to you. But what specifically can you do to ensure that you raise genuinely happy kids? Eric Barker, author of “Barking Up The Wrong Tree,” takes a look at what we can learn from scientific research. Since studies show that happier parents tend to have happier kids, he suggests doing what you can to make sure that you are happy. One way to do that is to include time in your weekly schedule for simply having fun with friends and family. Laughter is good for your well-being.

  • CBS ‘Sunday Morning’ is least cynical show on TV0

    From 8-year-old Myles Eckert finding a $20 bill and giving it to a soldier tucked in a handwritten thank-you note to a middle-school football team saving the final touchdown for a special needs player on the team, “CBS Sunday Morning” never disappoints when it comes to positive, uplifting stories. Journalist Steve Hartman regularly delivers memorable feel good stories that touch the heart.

  • Tax Day! Now Comes the Great Refund Rip-Off0

    It’s become a growing problem–the crime of “stolen identity refund fraud”. Justin Gelfand, a former federal prosecutor in the Justice Department’s Tax Division writes: “If the problem continues unabated, Treasury estimates the IRS will lose 21 billion in fraudulent tax refunds over the next five years.”


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