• Morbi interdum tincidunt0

    Ut bibendum lorem at libero aliquet, non vehicula justo tempor. Nullam vitae pellentesque neque. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce dapibus erat ac porta rhoncus. Nam vehicula, lorem ac pharetra tristique, tortor justo lacinia felis, sit amet pretium augue eros in sem. Cras tempus metus ut justo

  • Featured Image Parallax0

    Suspendisse ultricies nisl erat, molestie consectetur ex ullamcorper at. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus in pellentesque justo, id bibendum tortor. Nam quis fringilla sapien. Donec fringilla pharetra urna, et tristique lacus gravida eu. Pellentesque eget suscipit velit. Aliquam blandit purus ligula, eu iaculis tortor commodo nec.

  • All it took was one dollar and a post-it note to inspire others

    All it took was one dollar and a post-it note to inspire others0

    Sometimes it doesn’t take a lot of money to make a difference in the lives of those going through challenging times.  Just ask the owner of a pizza place in Philly.

  • When No One Showed Up to Autistic Boy’s Birthday Party, Strangers Saved the Day

    When No One Showed Up to Autistic Boy’s Birthday Party, Strangers Saved the Day0

    Glenn Buratti invited all 16 of his kindergarten classmates to his birthday party.  But imagine how the 6-year-old, who is autistic, felt when nobody responded to the invitation or showed up.  His mother, Ashlee, later told ABC News:  “He was so devastated when he realized no one was coming to his birthday party that he

  • When Grief Won’t Relent

    When Grief Won’t Relent0

    What does it do to your health when you just can’t get over the loss of a loved one? Mourning and grieving after the loss of a loved one is a normal and challenging part of life. There are no words that ease the pain. What does make a difference is time, along with the caring and support of friends and family.

  • Love and laughter: A recipe for this long-lasting marriage0

    Actor Alan Alda achieved fame in the 1970’s with his starring role in the hit TV series M*A*S*H. While fame can be fleeting, as the saying goes, both his acting career and his marriage have been keepers. New York Times writer Lois Smith Brady talked to Alda and his wife Arlene, who are going to be celebrating their 58th anniversary, about their long-lasting marriage.


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