• M.B.A.’s Have Biggest ‘Mommy Penalty,’ Doctors the Smallest0

    Among highly educated women who take time off from their careers to raise their children, women with M.B.A.’s suffer the largest percentage “mommy penalty,” while those with medical degrees suffer the lowest proportionate loss, with female Ph.D.’s and lawyers falling somewhere in between. The New York Times, 12/6/2010

  • The (Un)Marriage Penalty0

    For couples who aren't married, financial planning poses unique challenges. The Wall Street Journal, 12/12/2010

  • Celebrity Health Styles/ Celebrity Causes: Resources1

      Celebrity Health and Fitness Celebrity Health & Fitness is a health, fitness, fashion and lifestyle Web magazine based in New York City. It publishes in-depth features and daily updates on news, opinion and gossip involving celebrity health, fitness, beauty, diet and fashion tips and secrets.

  • Home and Family Resources0

      Parenting- The Home of Parenting and Baby Talk Parenting Magazine has long been the premier magazine for moms looking for honest, real-world advice on raising children; it also strives to provide the emotional support moms need to enjoy their full lives.  Expectant mothers and new parents will also enjoy Babytalk.  Information for both audiences can

  • Lifestyle & Relationships Resources0

      Unfinished Business Lee Kravitz’s first book — the highly acclaimed memoir UNFINISHED BUSINESS: One Man’s Extraordinary Year of Trying to Do the Right Things — chronicles the journey he took to reconnect with his life after he lost his job as editor-in-chief of Parade in October 2007. This journey is also the topic of the

  • Environmental Well-Being Resources0

      The Daily Green The Daily Green is a great resource for up-to-date news on the environment and on what people are doing to live “greener” lifestyles.   Mother Nature Network The mission of Mother Nature Network (MNN) can be found at the top of every page on their site:  “Improve Your World.”  But while many sites


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