• Matt Damon Launches Charity Water Bottle0

    Matt Damon and the charity that he co-founded, Water.org, are launching a water bottle campaign to help some of the 884 million people who lack access to clean, safe water. Damon said, “I think what resonates with me most is when you see people living without clean water and they’re forced to scavenge for water

  • Compost Your Pumpkins0

    Once you are finished celebrating Halloween, compost your pumpkins instead of throwing them in the garbage. “Pumpkins, which of course are 100% natural, will break down quickly as compost in your yard, providing you with valuable nutrients for your lawn or garden.” The Daily Green, 10/31/2011

  • Binge Eating a Hidden Problem Among Men0

    A new study shows that men are almost as likely as women to lose control in the presence of food and to suffer ill health because of their bingeing. Ruth Striegel, a professor of psychology at Wesleyan University, said, “There is a widely held perception that this is just a women’s problem. That’s just wrong.”

  • Stamp out workplace fear0

    Fearing for your job in the workplace can actually lead to reduced productivity and unnecessary stress. According to Tom Reiger, author of "Breaking the Fear Barrier," on-the-job anxiety is "caused primarily by a fear of loss: fear of not getting a bonus, not meeting a goal, losing decision rights, losing something." Unless workers resolve to

  • Bringing America Back: Wrangler Rebuilds After Tornado0

    A well deserved Good for You to Wrangler.  The jeans company put loyalty to its employees first after its factory was destroyed by a tornado.  As one employee, Myra Hall said: "Wrangler stepped up to the plate.  They took care of us."  And loyalty from their employees is what they are getting in return for

  • Childproofing: Crawling Your Way to Safety0

    According to this article, the best way to childproof a home is to get down on the floor and crawl around so you can see your home through a toddler's eyes.  Another important thing to note is that childproofing has changed in recent years, both in the products available and in the household dangers parents


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