• Red meat lovers have more kidney cancer0

    In a large U.S. study, researchers found that middle-aged adults who ate the most red meat were 19 percent more likely to be diagnosed with kidney cancer than those who ate the least. However, "red meat is an important source for iron (and) it has protein," said Dr. Mohammed El-Faramawi, an epidemiologist from the University

  • Fight Infections Naturally0

    Forget miracle pills! This episode of The Dr. Oz Show features fast, all-natural treatments that ward off infections. Fight off ear infections, sore throats and UTI’s with these natural cures. The Dr. Oz Show, 12/19/2011

  • Motivation down? Take on a rival0

    There are many ways your business can benefit from healthy competition. Sometimes a rival is all you need for motivation, whether it's a company across town or an online retailer who has impacted your sales. You can even "make up" an imaginary rival by deciding on a goal, like, say, to generate more foot traffic

  • On the Road: The lost art of thank you notes0

    As part of the continuing series "On the Road," Steve Hartman reports on how putting pen to paper and sending thank you notes can improve one's personal life. CBS News, 12/30/2011

  • La. seniors show exercising is not an age thing0

    New research is revealing some surprising numbers about just how effective exercise can be in warding off the aging process. CBS News correspondent Dr. Jon LaPook introduces us to one group of senior citizens, the ladies of the Louisiana Tigerettes, who are living proof of how effective exercise can be. The Tigerettes have won seven

  • Where Germs Lurk on Planes0

    Here are some basic precautions passengers can take to avoid catching cold in a crowded airport or when stuck at 30,000 feet next to sneezers and coughers. The Wall Street Journal, 12/20/2011


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