• Where Cows Are Happy and Food Is Healthy0

    The Op-Ed columnist Nicholas D. Kristof recently visited the dairy of his childhood friend Bob Bansen, who has names for every cow in his herd and treats “his girls” like co-workers. Bob says, "if a cow is at her maximum health and maximum contentedness, she's profitable. I don't manage my farm so much from a

  • Radiation may up breast cancer risk in some women0

    A study by leading European cancer agencies- published Thursday in the journal BMJ– suggests that mammograms aimed at finding breast cancer might actually raise the chances of developing it in young women whose genes put them at higher risk for the disease. The radiation from mammograms might be especially harmful to them, so an MRI

  • US health care: It’s officially a mess, institute says0

    The Institute of Medicine released a report on Thursday on the state of the U.S. health care system and how it wasted $750 billion in 2009- about 30 percent of all health spending- on unnecessary services, excessive administrative costs, fraud, and other problems. As many as 75,000 people who died in 2005 would have lived if

  • How Your Cell Phone Hurts Your Relationships0

    The mere presence of a phone affects how you relate to others. Scientific American, 9/4/2012

  • Make a List: Books that have changed my life0

    People learn a great deal from reading. These days, we no longer need to buy books or go to the library to get information. We are exposed to so many written words today through modern technology and the Internet. It's no longer a challenge to find words of wisdom; the challenge is doing something useful

  • Detox Your Home, The Pretty Way0

    The average American home contains over 500 chemicals. Indoor air tends to be up to five times more polluted than outside air. Check out these ten ways to create a toxin-free, beautiful home – without the use of bulky air purifiers or filtration systems. EcoSalon, 9/5/2012


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