• Should Doctors and Patients Be Facebook Friends?0

    Social media has become the go-to communication tool, but is Facebook and Twitter an appropriate way for doctors to interact with patients? There are concerns about protecting patient's privacy and maintaining appropriate boundaries between professional and social relationships. Kansas family physician, Dr. Brull, claims her small-town practice inevitably gives her social contact with many patients,

  • Why Stress Makes You Sweat0

    Sweat is an all too familiar result from stress, and researchers have been diving deeper into the reasons for this. Scientists believe stress-sweat has an evolutionary role in sending warning signals to those around us. The brain reacts negatively to a stranger's body odor; meanwhile, the scent of a family member can be calming to

  • Fundraising’s Rising Star0

    There's a new kid on the fundraising block: Crowdrise. Crowdrise is quickly gaining popularity with celebrities and social media gurus. Here's the story of how the creators got started, where they are going, and how celebrities like Ed Norton, Jimmy Kimmel and Danny DeVito have been using the platform to further the causes they care about. SheKnows, 2/1/2013

  • Get Rid of Mice Naturally0

    Thousands of people are sickened, and countless birds and other animals are killed inadvertently by a handful of highly toxic mice poisons. Learn how to get rid of mice in your house naturally. The Daily Green, 1/28/2013

  • Amazing Pep Talk From Little Kid: Never Give Up!0

    He may only be nine years old, but Robby Novak refers to himself as the "kid president," dresses accordingly, and has advice for adults and children alike. His motivational video is meant to be shared with those who could use some encouragement and support. You can also always send a Good for You Message! Good

  • In Hard Economy for All Ages, Older Isn’t Better … It’s Brutal0

    As it turns out, Americans closest to retirement- Baby Boomers in their 50s and early 60s– may have been hardest hit by the recession. They don't yet have access to Medicare and Social Security, and they've lost the most earnings power of any age group, with their household incomes 10 percent below what they made three years


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