• First Hearing Loss, Then Dementia0

    Scientists have discovered a significant correlation between hearing loss and dementia. Research suggests that the worse the hearing loss, the higher the risk of reduced cognition. The inability to hear and partake in a conversation, as well as straining to understand a conversation, begins to cause social isolation – a known cause of dementia. Since hearing

  • Small Acts, Big Love0

    A University of Rochester study finds people who put their spouses' needs first make themselves happier too. Couples are finding that saying "I love you" isn't always enough to sufficiently convey the strength of their emotions. Small acts of kindness, or "compassionate love," have a much bigger impact when it comes to bringing spouses together.

  • Energy Drinks’ Health Hazards For Adolescents0

    Many energy drinks have ingredients which can have a harmful effect on adolescent health, especially when mixed with alcohol, says a news report published in Pediatrics in Review. Medical News Today, 2/6/2013

  • Ohio congressman’s meditation crusade0

    Congressman Tim Ryan questions, "How much faster literally can we go, until you are so distracted all the time that you're actually missing your life?" Ryan believes Social Emotional Learning (S.E.L.) can make a huge difference in people's lives, especially when introduced at a young age to schoolchildren. S.E.L. teaches students to relax, calming themselves into a

  • Air pollution linked to low birth weight0

    According to new international findings, mothers who breathe the kind of pollution emitted by vehicles, coal power plants and factories are significantly more likely to give birth to underweight children than mothers living in less polluted areas. San Francisco Chronicle, 2/6/2013

  • Fewer People Will Have Employer Health Insurance, CBO Projects0

    As "Obamacare" kicks in, a growing number of Americans will move away from employer-provided health insurance plans, according to the latest forecasts from the Congressional Budget Office. CNN Money, 2/8/2013


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