• Money Lessons From Mom0

    These simple tips, taught to the writer by his mother, can help you make wiser financial decisions. Daily Finance, 5/8/2013

  • Jake Gyllenhaal and More Actors Stand Up for Vet Awareness0

    During the Words of War fundraiser, which raised money for nonprofit organizations that support comprehensive mental health care for veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, actors performed theatrical readings of poetry and prose related to the experience of war.

  • Doctors’ Lucrative Industry Ties0

    New reporting laws are shining a light on the widespread extent of payments and gifts from drug and device companies to physicians, a practice which has been rampant for decades. Companies often treat doctors to dinner, pay them to attend lectures, and underwrite conferences and continuing medical education courses. This all begs a serious question

  • Shaking off Loneliness0

    Jane Brody's article emphasizes how important it is to our well-being to have close, loving, meaningful relationships. Dr. John T. Cacioppo, Univeristy of Chicago psychologist, is quoted as saying, "Is it any wonder that we turn to ice cream or other fatty foods when we're sitting at home feeling all alone in the world? We want to

  • How to Swaddle an Infant Safely0

    Now that new concerns have emerged regarding the safety of swaddling, U.S. maternity wards are starting to use sleeping sacks (wearable blankets) instead of swaddling blankets as part of a campaign to promote safer sleep for babies. The Wall Street Journal, 5/14/2013

  • More women opting for preventive mastectomy – but should they be?0

    Angelina Jolie's announcement that she had both breasts removed- after finding out she had an 87% chance of getting breast cancer due to the BRCA1 gene- has brought much attention to the procedure. Apparently, rates of women opting for preventive mastectomies have increased by an estimated 50 percent in recent years. Since genetic tests for breast cancer risks have


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