• Red-meat intake linked to increased risk of diabetes0

    A long-term study has found that increasing the amount of red meat that you eat over time is associated with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes. Frank Hu, the study’s senior author, advises people to reduce their consumption of red meat and to eat more nuts, low-fat dairy and whole grains. Red meat is

  • Red Meat Tied to Increased Mortality Risk0

    Your risk of early death may be increased by eating just one serving of red meat each day. ABC News, 3/12/2012

  • Red meat lovers have more kidney cancer0

    In a large U.S. study, researchers found that middle-aged adults who ate the most red meat were 19 percent more likely to be diagnosed with kidney cancer than those who ate the least. However, "red meat is an important source for iron (and) it has protein," said Dr. Mohammed El-Faramawi, an epidemiologist from the University

  • Recycle used plastic bags (Even Ziploc sandwich bags)0

    Many people know that plastic shopping bags can be recycled, but did you know you can recycle plastic sandwich and kitchen storage bags, too? To help our environment, you can now recycle sandwich and freezer bags at many supermarkets and grocery stores. Not to mention, you can claim rewards for each Ziploc bag that is

  • Recruits’ Ineligibility Tests the Military

    Recruits’ Ineligibility Tests the Military0

    Would it surprise you to learn that a whopping 71 % of today’s youth 17 to 24 could not pass the requirements to serve in the U.S. military? That news comes directly from the Pentagon, which is concerned about what this could mean to our future fighting force.

  • Reclaiming Our (Real) Lives From Social Media0

    Nick Bilton, a columnist and reporter for The New York Times began thinking about how much time he was devoting each day to social media. He writes that what started out as “exciting and novel” began to take over his life and “consume every hour of my day.” So he asked himself: “At the end of the day, what do I have to show for it? Am I more enriched as a human being after a couple of hours spent on Facebook? More fulfilled from Pinterest? A deeper person from Instagram?”


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