Home and Family Resources
- Home & Family
- December 15, 2010
Read on for The Wall Street Journal's picks for the best in volunteer travel in 2012. The Wall Street Journal, 12/19/2011
READ MORELike many small, rural towns across the country, Leeton, Mo., has been squeezed by bigger towns and shopping malls. The once booming town that now has barely 600 residents saw its last grocery store close in the late 1990s. Bonnie Seymour, a lifelong resident of Leeton and high school teacher at Leeton School, took matters into her
READ MOREAccording to research presented this week at the American Heart Association’s (AHA) 2013 Scientific Sessions, excessive salt led to nearly 2.3 million heart-related deaths worldwide in 2010. Researchers analyzed 247 surveys of adults participating in the 2010 Global Burden of Disease Survey, which is a collaborative study involving researchers from 50 different countries. The participants
READ MORESafeway Inc. has launched its annual Support for People with Disabilities fundraising campaign to benefit Easter Seals, Special Olympics and an array of organizations that help people with disabilities live fuller, more independent lives. This year, Safeway is partnering with singer/songwriter Avril Lavigne and The Avril Lavigne Foundation to bring a new, exclusive video element to the April effort. Customers
READ MOREWhat if you were offered a chance to get free college tuition if you participated in an intensive college preparation program? This opportunity became a reality for 163 low-income kids who participated in the Rutgers Future Scholars program.