• Searching for the why behind rising autism rate0

    New government research shows that the rate of autism has increased. This week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released its newest study on the rate of autism among 8-year-olds, showing that 1 in 88 has some form of the disorder. Previously, it was 1 in 110. Researchers are trying to find out the

  • Searching for Side Effects0

    Two start-up companies, AdverseEvents Inc. and Clarimed LLC, have created databases that let consumers search millions of complaints filed with the FDA over prescription drugs and medical devices.  So now you can find out how many other people have reported the side effects you're experiencing- and how your drug compares with similar drugs. You will

  • Seal Those Ducts0

    One of the biggest uses of energy in your home is heating and cooling, so it’s important to make sure that all of your ductwork is sealed tightly. According to the American Solar Energy, sealing ducts properly can save the average home up to $140 annually.  The Daily Green, 10/7/2011

  • Screen-time warning: Toddlers given tablets, phones to play with can suffer lasting brain damage

    Screen-time warning: Toddlers given tablets, phones to play with can suffer lasting brain damage0

    “Sitting toddlers down in front of a screen all day can do lasting damage to their brains, a new study warns. Scientists in Singapore add that the harm to screen-watching infants persists into late childhood, even beyond the age of eight.

  • Scientists warn of heat risk to high-school football players0

    In a summer that has seen record heat, severe droughts and four football-practice deaths, scientists and climatologists say the risks for players are higher than ever.  And they're cautioning coaches and teams to put health over victory as practice kicks off across the United States this week amid a historic heat wave. Yahoo! News/ Reuters,

  • Scientists Hint at Why Laughter Feels So Good0

    Laughter has been regularly promoted as good medicine but a new study suggests that the healing benefits of laughter actually come from the muscular exertions involved in producing the familiar ha, ha, ha.  The physical act of laughing releases chemicals in the brain that make people feel good and more resistant to pain. The New


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