• Study finds unsafe mercury levels in 84 percent of all fish0

    Unsafe levels of mercury in fish pose serious health risks for humans. Mercury poisoning, most often caused by eating fish, can permanently damage the brain and kidneys. CBS Evening News, 1/13/2013

  • Students Stepping Up the Kindness!0

    This video of a group of Kansas State students who, back in 2010, spent their time figuring out how they could do good around their school, is still inspiring people today. These 100 students pooled their time, money, and creativity and started the morning of the first day of school by performing random acts of

  • Student loan payments cripple more borrowers0

    New figures are showing that repaying students loans is crippling many American borrowers across the country. New Census Bureau information also shows that many 14.2 percent of 25-34 year olds lived with their parents in 2011, largely due to the fact that they can’t find full-time positions. This also means that many parents who planned

  • Stressed? Call Mom, Researchers Conclude0

    Researchers have found what many people may have already found to be true in their lives– that hearing the voice of their mother (as opposed to just a text or e-mail) is a huge stress reliever. According to new research, it seems that the sound of our mother's voice actually triggers a physical hormone response

  • Stress-Busting Smiles0

    Research has been continuing to find that the simple act of smiling is good for our health and well-being. The benefits of smiling include slowing down the heart and reducing stress. Some research suggests that only a full, genuine smile will produce these benefits, while other studies suggest that even a forced, polite smile may be

  • Stress is contagious in the classroom0

    That’s the finding from a University of British Columbia study recently published in the journal Social Science & Medicine.


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