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- Home & Family
- December 15, 2010
Do your kids have a ton of excuses for why they can’t get to sleep at night? It may be because their circadian rhythm, or their sleep clock, isn’t the same as their bedtime, new research from the University of Colorado, Boulder shows. It turns out that light may be to blame for this clock mismatch.
READ MORE“Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in plastics pose a serious threat to public health and cost the U.S. an estimated $250 billion in increased health care costs in 2018, according to new research published in the Journal of the Endocrine Society. The paper is titled ‘Chemicals Used in Plastic Materials: An Estimate of the Attributable Disease Burden and Costs in the US.'”
READ MOREAccording to new research, teens who reported drinking lots of soda were also more likely to have used alcohol or smoked cigarettes, which could explain why those teens who drink large quantities of soda seem to be prone to violence. Another study found antisocial tendencies among U.S. college students who consumed a lot of soda.
READ MOREAs scientists aim to prove exactly what farming chemicals do to us, organic food protects from certain threats. Want to keep pesticides out of your child's body? An organic diet is proven to work! Rodale, 10/23/2012
READ MOREResearchers at the Kinsey Institute's findings may be surprising to some–how important kissing and cuddling were to men in determining their state of happiness in a relationship. The Kinsey study found that cuddling seems to be the key to a happy relationship for men, and, according to the report, men were happier in their relationships
READ MOREDr. Andrew Adesman, who co-authored a study for the CDC on teens texting while driving, explains, "Texting while driving is becoming a sort of epidemic, and it's a higher cause of deaths than even drinking while driving. The impairment that comes with texting is worse than drinking while driving." CBS News, 5/13/2013