Home and Family Resources
- Home & Family
- December 15, 2010
More than 18,000 adults were unaware they were infected with the H.I.V. virus, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported. A three-year old campaign developed to extend AIDs treatment found that more people living with the disease did not know it. The New York Times, 6/27/2011
READ MOREIn 1999, teacher Nicole Waicunas suffered from a brain hemorrhage and was told by doctors that she would never teach again. Years later, she is teaching English at Edwin O. Smith High School in Storrs, CT and is one of 10 teachers across the nation honored with the 2012 Stephen Sondheim Inspirational Teacher Award for
READ MOREWomen who suppress lingering doubts are more likely to seek a divorce later, according to a study published in the current issue of The Journal of Family Psychology. Justin A. Lavner, a doctoral student in psychology at the University of California, Los Angeles, says, "Having doubts before marriage is not only common, it predicted a higher
READ MOREMcCay Jenkins has written the book, What's Gotten Into Us, reporting that it's not only the toxins that are in the outside world that you have to be concerned about… the toxins are right there in your home. Jenkins found these toxins in his own home in places like the carpet, the mattress, dust, etc.
READ MORESince obesity is an ongoing problem in our country, we need to ask ourselves why it even started in the first place. Obviously times have changed, as we now find ourselves surrounded by fast food, vending machines dispensing candy and soda, and television commercials advertising fatty foods. According to Dr. Gortmaker, “Several coordinated, complementary policies
READ MOREMore men are stay-at-home dads than ever before, yet many of them still face the common misconception that they can’t fill the shoes of stay-at-home moms or can’t find better jobs. A study by Boston College’s Center for Work and Family has shown that stay-at-home dads are not only surviving, but thriving in their new