• BMW Guggenheim Lab to tackle global urban issues via design and public discussions0

    In an innovative collaboration between NYC’s Guggenheim museum and BMW, the BMW Guggenheim lab is a “micro-environment” that will cultivate arts and social engagement in a metropolitan landscape. Environmental activists and scientists worked in tandem to build the space—bringing city-dwellers together to contemplate the future SmartPlanet, 8/2/2011

  • Blood Clot Risk Factors: 5 Ways To Help Prevent This Damaging And Potentially Deadly Condition0

    Blood clots, like the one Hillary Clinton developed, can happen for many different reasons and under a variety of circumstances. Sometimes clots can form for seemingly no reason at all. Experts say there are at least five steps you can take to help prevent blood clots. The Huffington Post, 1/2/2013

  • Blogs0

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed pharetra neque at mauris rhoncus vel dignissim ipsum malesuada. Etiam pretium elit ut enim vulputate semper. Sed ac commodo ante. Suspendisse lacus dolor, vehicula et adipiscing congue, tempus quis est. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque pharetra erat sed sapien iaculis tempor. Mauris

  • Biodegradable Products May Be Bad For The Environment0

    Decreasing your carbon footprint may require more than just buying biodegradable products. A recent study shows that in order to fully reap the benefits of these products, Methane collection in landfills must increase and products should be redesigned to degrade more slowly. Newswise/ North Carolina State University, 5/31/2011 

  • Binge Eating a Hidden Problem Among Men0

    A new study shows that men are almost as likely as women to lose control in the presence of food and to suffer ill health because of their bingeing. Ruth Striegel, a professor of psychology at Wesleyan University, said, “There is a widely held perception that this is just a women’s problem. That’s just wrong.”

  • Binge Drinking Teenage Girls Can Black Out, Get Into Trouble0

    An ABC News investigation airing Tuesday night on Nightline found that girls younger and younger are drinking heavily under pressures to fit in. An estimated one in four teenage girls binge drink, meaning five or more drinks in one sitting. A new study from Stanford University shows that teen girls are more likely than boys


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