Home and Family Resources
- Home & Family
- December 15, 2010
The filmmaker Ava DuVernay hopes black-themed films will flourish with the help of her new alliance. The New York Times, 1/7/2011
READ MORELearn how to build a good relationship with your child’s teacher by following some simple tips. Avoid teacher pet peeves, such as pressuring your child not to mess up his clothes and discussing a problem during drop-off or pick-up at your child’s school. Learn about what your child’s teacher wants you to do at home,
READ MOREBased on the claim that if every builder buys just 5 percent more American-made materials, 220,000 jobs will be created, builders around the country have decided to use 5 percent more American products. Some builders have gone even further and decided to create all-American homes, which are now being built or have been completed in
READ MOREBecause of the increasing demand for social networking in the workplace, the two leading providers of corporate social networks, Yammer and Salesforce, are experiencing a huge surge in business. Bryony Cole, Yammer's senior customer success manager, explains, "You may pat people on the back in a meeting, but this is recognition that everyone in a company
READ MOREYou can now build a solar charger, made from an Altoids tin, for your iPhone and iPod for less than $20. Parts for the solar charger include a charging circuit, 2x AA battery holder, 2x rechargeable batteries, 1N914 blocking diode, a solar cell greater than 4V, stranded wire, tape, and of course, an Altoids tin.
READ MOREGet a cut rate price for a deluxe room. Of course, there is one stipulation: You have to agree to volunteer some of your vacation time to being of service. At the Snake River Lodge & Spa in Jackson, Wyoming, a luxury resort, that means pitching in and removing barbed wire fences to help local