• Childproofing: Crawling Your Way to Safety0

    According to this article, the best way to childproof a home is to get down on the floor and crawl around so you can see your home through a toddler's eyes.  Another important thing to note is that childproofing has changed in recent years, both in the products available and in the household dangers parents

  • Childless and Aging? Time to Designate a Caregiver0

    People without children need to plan for who will take care of them later in life when they need it. The New York Times, 9/12/2012

  • Childhood music lessons may provide speech benefits for adults0

    People who take music lessons as children develop lasting speech benefits as adults because they have a faster brain response, according to a new study in the Journal of Neuroscience. “This study suggests the importance of music education for children today and for healthy aging decades from now,” says Nina Kraus, professor of neurobiology, physiology

  • Child Deaths in India Put Spotlight on Pesticides0

    Many are raising questions about pesticides, following the deaths of 23 children in India who ate school lunches contaminated with the chemicals. However, experts in the U.S. say that the children didn’t show traditional symptoms associated with organophosphate poisoning, the suspected cause of death

  • Child deaths are tragic reminder that products pose risk long after recall0

    Just because a product has been recalled doesn’t mean it isn’t still harmful. After the untimely deaths of two children from Massachusetts who got stuck in an antique chest, safety experts are advising parents to safeguard their homes and remove any items that have been recalled or that may not be safe for children. Nancy

  • Chernobyl on Hudson Fear if Indian Point Leaks0

    The Natural Resources Defense Council reported on Monday that Manhattan and the Bronx would be uninhabitable if the accident-prone Indian Point nuclear plant suffered a Chernobyl-like disaster, and that a massive radiation release could also contaminate Brooklyn and chunks of Queens and Staten Island. Robert Kennedy Jr., a senior attorney at NRDC, said of Indian Point, "It's too old, it's near too many people, and it's just too


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