• Educating the Next Steve Jobs0

      Tony Wagner, a former high-school teacher, is the Innovation Education Fellow at the Technology & Entrepreneurship Center at Harvard. His new book is "Creating Innovators: The Making of Young People Who Will Change the World." Wagner claims that schools need to teach students to be more innovative, and that this can be done by

  • Eddie Van Halen Donates Guitars To Schools0

    Rock legend Eddie Van Halen has teamed up with the Mr Holland's Opus Foundation to donate 75 of his personal electric guitars to public schools in LA. Look to the Stars, 1/13/2012

  • Ed Sheeran: Award-Winning Musician Says Being Bullied Over Ginger Hair Made Him0

    Award-winning musician and songwriter Ed Sheeran says, "Of course you get picked on for certain things, but I think it ends up being a positive. I was quite a weird kid when I was little, I wore big glasses, had hearing problems, had a stutter and I had ginger hair, but I am now a successful

  • Eco-Friendly Pet Care0

    Our pets are exposed to the same pesticides and toxins as we are, so it is natural for us to want to protect them, too. Here are some environmentally sound ways of caring for your pets. Care2, 1/19/2012

  • Eco-friendly Diapers0

    The world’s first hybrid diaper is here. It is made of the best of cloth and disposable. The product consists of a fashionable reusable outer pant and a choice of either a washable cloth insert or a certified 100-percent biodegradable, flushable insert. September 2011, Green America

  • Ebooks or Printed Books: Which Are Better For You?0

    Are you worried that eBooks may be worse to read for your health than regular books? Worry no more. Researchers in Germany have determined that there is no difference in reading from a book or from a tablet. Furthermore, one group that was studied developed faster reading speeds on an iPad than in a book.


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