• Vitamin E found to slow Alzheimer’s progression0

    Are you getting enough vitamin E? While it can be found naturally in foods like broccoli, spinach and sunflower seeds, a new study in the Journal of the American Medical Association has shown that a daily vitamin E supplement may actually slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. This is because vitamin E improves the

  • Visitor Only Rating0

    Duis cursus aliquam augue, vitae posuere magna dapibus et. Nulla at suscipit diam. Sed porta sollicitudin mattis. Vivamus ac interdum dui, ut tincidunt quam. Aliquam elementum urna et gravida vestibulum. Donec lobortis nulla mi, pulvinar fringilla nulla interdum quis. Nunc magna mi, accumsan ut placerat vitae, auctor a libero. Duis nec pulvinar neque. Maecenas vitae

  • Violinist’s after-school program brings hope to kids, community0

    In Venezuela, David France studied El Sistema, a community music education program that brings instruments and instruction to underprivileged kids. Now, David uses the money he makes playing the violin to fund Revolution of Hope, an after-school orchestra he started in the disenfranchised inner-city community of Roxbury, MA. Jose Duarte, principal of Dearborn Middle School,

  • Violence ages children’s DNA, shortens their chromosomes0

    A study has found that exposure to violence (such as domestic violence between parents, physical maltreatment by an adult, or bullying) can cause changes in DNA leading to seven to 10 years of premature aging. This is because the telomeres get shorter as we age, and stress can contribute to that. There is something we

  • Video Format A0

    Duis nec turpis ac purus interdum faucibus id in magna. Suspendisse sit amet iaculis ante. Fusce quam velit, euismod sed aliquet vel, condimentum dapibus nisl. Integer lorem sem, facilisis ut quam quis, pulvinar euismod urna. In lacinia libero quis diam maximus viverra. Aenean eget imperdiet turpis. Fusce euismod, tellus id finibus pulvinar, felis quam hendrerit

  • Victory for ‘the Lorax’: Change.Org Helps Students’ Petition Reach Hollywood0

    The fourth-graders in Ted Wells' class were thrilled to find out the Dr. Seuss environmental tale, "The Lorax," was being turned into a movie. Upon visiting the film's website, they discovered there was not a single mention of trees. So the students headed to Change.org to launch a petition to Universal Studios, asking the film


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